A theater project by Michaela Caspar und Giuseppe Giuranna

in cooperation with Possible World and Ballhaus Ost Berlin, 2021/22


Funded by


Aktion Mensch



Ballhaus Ost, Berlin July 3rd 2022 at 3 pm and 8pm I 1st and 2nd of July 2022 at 8pm I June 30th 2022 at 8pm I March 5th and 6th at 8 pm I Premiere March 4th at 8 pm I  public dress rehearsals: March 3rd at 3pm and 8pm I Sommerblut Kulturfestival, Cologne May 14th 2022 at 7 pm I  Schauspiel Essen Guest performance March 26th 2022 at 8pm 


In its adaptation BIRDS, Possible World lets the different perceptions of the world of the deaf and hearing world collide. New visual languages and communication channels are emerging. It tells of power and abuse of power, trench warfare and perhaps also of solutions. In German sign language & spoken language with visual vernacular, sound/vibration and film.


Performers Jan Kress / Rita Mazza / Peter Marty / Emilia von Heiseler / Annalisa Weyel / Christin Marie Feldhaus


The satire BIRDS is about political myths and their dangers for democracy, about power and the hunger for territories and resources. Tax debts drive Peisetairos and Euelipides into exile among the free folk of the birds. Hungry for power, Peisetairos persuades the birds to belong to a superior species. The manipulation succeeds and as ruler over gods and humans he organizes the new state of Cloud Cuckoo Land, eliminates unwilling subjects and recruits a bird population who are enthusiastic about him and his ideas. The 2,400-year-old story “The Birds” has lost none of its anarchic humor and critical topicality.


NEW VERSION OF THE TEXTS Till Nikolaus von Heiseler / TRANSMISSION INTO GERMAN SIGN LANGUAGE Eyk Kauly & Ensemble / DIRECTORS Michaela Caspar & Giuseppe Giuranna / STAGE, MUSIC Jan-Peter E.R. Sunday - N-solab / VIDEO, PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Jens Kupsch / CAMERA Jens Kupsch, Anton von Heiseler, Fionn Weinmann / COSTUME Petra Kubinski-Fromm / MASK Angelika Okonska / 3D VISUALIZATION FOR STAGE PROSPECTUS Christian Schwarz / LIGHTING, TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT Fabian Eichner / PRODUCTION AND DIRECTOR ASSISTANT Alexandra Kolvenbach / SIGNS LANGUAGE INTERPRETER Ulli Steinseifer / Madda Schulz / Nicolas Breitkopf / Sabrina Klieber / Stella Papantonatos / Juliane Bier / Mona Zwinzscher / Katharina Bernstädt

Photos: Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag und Jakob Tillmann




The production was funded by

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